The Link between Foot Posture, Locomotion & Longevity
Human bipedalism is at the core of longevity and well being. Join functional podiatrist Dr Emily as she explores the evolutionary changes that make the human foot perfect for locomotion - and how modern footwear and foot weakness is one of the biggest contributors to poor movement and increased morbidity.
This webinar is intended for both the professional and the patient as we all need to take ownership of our health and movement.
Your Instructor
Dr Emily Splichal, Functional Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist, is the Founder of EBFA Global (formerly Evidence Based Fitness Academy), Creator of the Barefoot Training Specialist® Certification, Author of Barefoot Strong and Inventor of Naboso Barefoot Technology. With over 19 years in the fitness industry, Dr Splichal has dedicated her medical career towards studying postural alignment and human movement as it relates to barefoot science, foot to core integration and sensory integration.