Each year EBFA's education expands and evolves to further challenge the power of barefoot science and the sensory system. We are dedicating the 4th Annual Barefoot Strong Summit to the interconncetion between Brain. Breath. Barefoot. and will be taking the concept of #barefootstrong to the Autonomic Nervous System, Brain Optimization and Fascial Fitness. Get ready to explore how our nervous system perceives safety, balances it's nervous system, opens the neocortex for learning and enables the expression of emotion.
The Online Summit is recorded from our LIVE Summit which is happening on September 22 - 23, 2018.
Online Access to the Barefoot Strong Summit will be available on September 28 - 29, 2018
Your Instructor
Dr Emily Splichal, Functional Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist, is the Founder of EBFA Global (formerly Evidence Based Fitness Academy), Creator of the Barefoot Training Specialist® Certification, Author of Barefoot Strong and Inventor of Naboso Barefoot Technology. With over 19 years in the fitness industry, Dr Splichal has dedicated her medical career towards studying postural alignment and human movement as it relates to barefoot science, foot to core integration and sensory integration.
Course Curriculum
StartKeynote Presentation What will be YOUR Legacy with Chris Flores (34:08)
StartBiohack your Brain with Dr Emily Splichal (54:20)
StartbodyART Workshop powered by Naboso Technology with Ryan Beck (68:50)
StartFoot Fluid Dynamics: The Lymphatic Hack with Dr Perry Nickelston (75:28)
StartEvolution of Locomotion Panel with James Earls, Dr Federico Luzi & Dr Emily Splichal (98:19)
StartAwaken the Fascial Network with Tension powered by StickMobility with Dennis Dunphy (43:06)
StartPelvic Flow & Freedom with Jenny Burrell (25:52)
StartKeynote Presentation Got Grit? with Dr Arianne Missimer (25:38)
StartFascia & Davis' Law with Dr Robert Schleip (via teleconference) (43:50)
StartBrain Games Panel with Jenny Burrell, Dr Federico Luzi, Dr Emily Splichal & Karl Sterling (114:55)
StartBorn to Walk | Building Efficiency with James Earls (108:42)
StartInnovation in Neuro Rehabilitation with Karl Sterling (27:46)
StartSound Meditation with Maraliz Campos (37:05)
StartBiopsychosocial Influences on Movement Dysfunction with Dr Emily Splichal (48:14)